Readme for Dutch navy ships Meteorological data from 1853 to 1870 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Source Logbooks of Dutch navy ships Amsterdam, Djambi, Gedeh, Medusa, Metalan Kruis and Soembing stored in Nationaal Archief, Netherlands Datasets Period 1864 AMSTERDAM (154) May-Sep.xslx May 18 - Sep. 26 1864 1864 AMSTERDAM (154) May-Sep.docx (detail) 1865 AMSTERDAM (154) Mar.xlsx Mar. 18 -24 1865 1865 AMSTERDAM (154) Mar.docx (detail) 1863 DJAMBI (1048) Jul-Dec.xlsx Jul. 23 - Dec. 31 1863 1863 DJAMBI (1048) Jul-Dec.docx (detail) 1864 DJAMBI (1048, 1049).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 1864 1864 DJAMBI (1048, 1049).docx (detail) 1865 DJAMBI (1049).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 1865 1865 DJAMBI (1049).docx (detail) 1866 DJAMBI (1049) Jan.xlsx Jan. 1 - 4 1866 1866 DJAMBI (1049) Jan.docx (detail) 1869 DJAMBI (1051).xlsx Jan. 15 - Dec. 31 1869 1869 DJAMBI (1051).docx (detail) 1870 DJAMBI (1051, 1052).xslx Jan. 1 - Dec. 15 1870 1870 DJAMBI (1051, 1052).docx (detail) 1853 GEDEH (1637) Feb-Dec.xlsx Feb. 11 - Dec. 31 1853 1853 GEDEH (1637) Feb-Dec.docx (detail) 1854 GEDEH (1637).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 1854 1854 GEDEH (1637).docx (detail) 1855 GEDEH (1637) Jan-Nov.xlsx Jan. 1 - Nov. 18 1855 1855 GEDEH (1637) Jan-Jul.docx (detail) 1856 MEDUSA (3018) July-Nov.xlsx Jul. 6 - Nov. 10 1856 1856 MEDUSA (3018) July-Nov.docx (detail) 1862 MEDUSA (3020) May -Dec.xlsx Jun. 25 - Nov. 29 1862 1862 MEDUSA (3020) May -Dec.docx (detail) 1863 MEDUSA (3020).xlsx Jan. 20 - Dec. 31 1863 1863 MEDUSA (3020).docx (detail) 1864 MEDUSA (3020).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 11 1864 1864 MEDUSA (3020).docx (detail) 1863 Metalen Kruis (3105) Nov, Dec.xlsx Nov. 3 - Dec. 29 1863 1864 Metalen Kruis (3105).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 1864 1865 Metalen Kruis (3105, 3106).xlsx Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 1865 1866 Metalen Kruis (3106) Jan, Feb.xlsx Jan. 1 - Feb. 2 1866 1854 SOEMBING (4099) Jul-Dec.xlsx Jul. 8 - Dec. 31 1854 1854 SOEMBING (4099) Jul-Dec.docx (detail) 1855 SOEMBING (4099) Jan-Oct.xlsx Jan. 1 - Oct. 5 1855 1855 SOEMBING (4099) Jan-Oct.docx (detail) 1858 SOEMBING (4100) Mar-May.xlsx Mar. 28 - May 29 1858 1858 SOEMBING (4100) Mar-May.docx (detail) 1859 SOEMBING (4100) Jan-Feb.xlsx Jan. 1 - Feb. 1 1859 1859 SOEMBING (4100) Jan-Feb.docx (detail) Data format 1. image file name 2. ship name 3. year 4. month 5. day 6. H (hours) 7. (column number 1) watch they are divided in to 6 watches (details see 2019sep.(Alice)How to read Scheepsjournalen 2019-2) 8. (column number 2) hours how many hours a certain rows of measurement is valid 9. (column number 3) steaming (hours) 10. (column number 4) sailing (hours) 11. (column number 5) sail + steam (hours) 12. (column number 6) ship course (compass) standard 13. ship course (compass) nighthouse 14. (column number 7) ship course during watch 15. (column number 8) ship distance during watch (hours) 16. (column number 9) Wind direction 17. (column number 10a) Wind strength (details see 2019sep.(Alice)How to read Scheepsjournalen 2019-2) 18. (column number 10b) Weather (details see 2019sep.(Alice)How to read Scheepsjournalen 2019-2) 19. (column number 11) Sea condition (details see 2019sep.(Alice)How to read Scheepsjournalen 2019-2) 20. (column number 12) dubbele zuigerslagen (double piston strokes) (the average amount of rotations per minute) 21. (column number 14) stoommeter (steam meter) (the average height of the pressure of the steam inside the kettle engine) 22. (column number 15) starboard side barometer attached temperature (C) 23. (column number 16) portside barometer attached temperature (C) 24. (column number 17) barometer (mmHg) 25. (column number 18) thermometer outside temperature in the shadow (C) 26. (column number 19) engine room thermometer placed outside the direct heat of the fires 27. (column number 20) Kettles starboard (steam kettles/machines) (how many fires are burning) 28. (column number 21) Kettles portside (steam kettles/machines) (how many fires are burning) 29. (column number 22) Kettles flushed when (steam kettles/machines) (how many fires are burning) 30. water level 31. watch they are divided in to 6 watches (details see 2019sep.(Alice)How to read Scheepsjournalen 2019-2) 32. (column number 24) Salinometer 33. (column number 13) smoorklep (throttle) read how much throttle is open (Value O mean full open) 34. (column number 25) toestellen (expansion engines) 35. (column number 26) coal (how much coal used in each watch) (unit?) 36. (column number 27a, 27b)water at the pump (read at each watch) 37. (column number 28a, 28b, 13) compass (indicates the wrong pointings of the compasses) 38. Observation and comments 39. Latitude (deg, min, sec) 40. Longitude (deg, min, sec) 41. distance (direction and distance) (unit?) 42. barometer (mmHg) 43. thermometer (C) 44. coordinates 45. comments column numbers are indicated in GEDEH, SOEMBING data ---------------------------------------------------------------- Apr 9 2024 updated Apr 11 2024 Contact persons Togo Tsukahara Graduate School of Intercultural Studies Department of Cultural-Interaction Kobe University email: Atsushi Ota Faculty of Economics Keio University email: Jun Matsumoto Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences Department of Geography Tokyo Metropolitan University email: Hisayuki Kubota Faculty of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Hokkaido University email: