
Daily Diary Weather Records

Diaries of Local Governments during the Historical Period

A huge number of official diaries kept by local governments during the Edo period (1603-1878), which include daily weather descriptions, have been preserved in libraries, museums, etc in all over Japan. JCDP has released a part of the weather record in the diary in EXCEL files (Japanese only). If you like to use undisclosed data for academic research etc., please apply to JCDP by Contact Form.
Please quote the source (JCDP and the URL of the site) or citation when publishing academic papers and articles using these data.

“Hirosaki Clan Government Diary” (Hirosaki City Library collection)

All the original weather descriptions in the diaries were digitized by Mr.Yoshimi Fukuma (Former Head of JMA Akita Observatory), and the CD-ROM containing all the data has been published by “Hoppou Shinsha(北方新社)”.


Hirosaki Clan Government Diary Weather Records: 1661-1868 (40.61N 140.46E)

All the data files (CSV) and explanatory note  file (PDF) in Japanese can be downloaded from Japanese page.

Diaries of the Nagasaki-Dejima Chief 1700-1860, 1817-1823

Extracted weather data of Nagasaki (Japan) from the Diaries of the Dejima Chief 1700-1860, 1817-1823 and from the Von Siebold Documents 1825-1828: Project description and file descriptions

A.P.M. Baede and G.P. Konnen (both retired)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute KNMI

In the framework of a long-term joint co-operation between Japan and KNMI aimed at climate reconstruction of Japan in its pre-instrumental era, we now explored the availability of the mostly visual weather data in the daily Diary of the Chief of the Dutch trading post on the island Dejima near Nagasaki. A Pilot project extracted the Januaries of the years 1700-1860; the Follow-up project extracted all months during the period 1817-1823, the term of office of the Chief Jan Cock Blomhoff. Together with the subsequently extracted Von Siebold data 1825-1828 (a supplementary project), the Cock Blomhoff series provides a detailed picture of the Kyushu daily weather in the early 19th century. With this report all data are made systematically accessible and available for further analysis.

Extracted weather data of Nagasaki (Japan) from the Diaries of the Dejima Chief 1700-1860, 1817-1823 and from the Von Siebold Documents 1825-1828: Project description and file descriptions PDF

1826_TEMP_PR_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1826_WEATHER_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1827_TEMP_PR_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1827_WEATHER_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1828_TEMP_PR_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1828_WEATHER_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
Dictionary of archaic weather terms.docx DATA
Dictionary of common weather terms.doc DATA
1700-1860_Januaries_Text.doc DATA
1700-1860_Januaries_Weather_#entries_per_month.doc DATA
1700-1860_WEATHER_Januaries.xls DATA
1817_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1817-1823_Blomhoff_Diary_Texts.docm DATA
1818_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1818_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1819_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1819_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1820_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1820_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1821_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1821_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1822_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1822_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1823_TEMP_Blomhoff-Siebold lists.xls DATA
1823_WEATHER_Blomhoff_Diary.xls DATA
1825_TEMP_Siebold_lists.xls DATA
1825_WEATHER_Siebold_lists.xls DATA



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